Blue Sky Plan

What happens after rain? Mushrooms grow – many, different, large and small, edible and not. Here in the software market as well. Introducing BlueSkyBio. They submit that they appeared 15 years ago to make this world more beautiful! The team consists of practitioners, engineers and developers who haven’t come up with anything better than how to copy and improve other people’s systems – Strauman, Astra, Nobel and Zimmer. Super developments are patented and allow screw screwing to 100Ncm and fluoride surfaces of implants allow to take roots better. Furthermore – there is even a certain representative of Prism LLC in Russia, but their contacts on the site are not indicated … But whatever.

And we will move on to the BlueSkyBio Innovative Technologies – the Blue Sky Plan software that they have been releasing since 2009. You will not believe how much these people are capable for supporting the sale of their implants! This software product for the manufacture of surgical templates is given to us for free!!! Yes, you heard right – you can download it for free directly on the company’s website (by the way, there are versions for OS X), install it, upload CT scans there, build projects, combine with scans, place implants, create and model a surgical template.

There is even an advanced and normal mode for non-advanced users. Also, there is a Cephalometric mode !!! Of course, the output of files for printing templates will be paid. But very loyal prices will pleasantly surprise you – in a minimum package the cost of one project will be 20.8 American dollars.

Table of Contents

How to master the program

Of course, the fact that the program was created by engineers and programmers is immediately understandable after launching. A black alarming background, a bunch of windows and buttons, button icons that are understandable only to them do not imply a friendly, intuitive interface. But this should not scare you – after all, the developer’s site has a large list of videos on how to work with the program. But in English. And in Russian – there are excellent webinars from the well-known Gregory Mark. You can find the video for the webinar at the end of the article.

After watching the videos of the manufacturers and the Russian-language webinar, it becomes clear that the program is very simple! We would say that this program is even simpler and more understandable than DDS-Pro. And with a certain skill, it will allow you to create a surgical template in just 10-30 minutes. The 3D window impresses with its settings. You don`t need to move some crazy number of sliders … Set the boundaries of the region of interest, the boundaries of density. and then selected one of the three-dimensional display types. Very comfortable, beautiful and clear. When combining the three-dimensional CT with the model scan, everything also goes smoothly and simply, especially conveniently – it is possible to add many points for comparison. After that, we can draw the mandibular canal.

The installation of a virtual crown

After the comparison, we proceed to the next stage – the installation of a virtual crown and implant. Here everything is simple too – we put a crown, an implant, a sleeve and select the necessary positions of all this stuff in space. Everything is simple, convenient and understandable. Of course, you choose an implant from Blue Sky Bio. But if you install Astra, Strauman, Zimmer or Nobel, there will be no problems because the dimensions are the same. And if there are other implants, then Gregory Mark on YouTube has a video on how to handle it.

Modeling of the surgical template

After the end of creative torment with the choice of position and size of crowns and implants, we proceed to the last stage – modeling of the future surgical template. It seems everything is standard, but the tricks have provided a stopper in length. Even in two versions. The first option is simple – you need to specify the tip used (if it is on the list) and the program will calculate which boron (from their course set) you need to drill and make the shaft the appropriate length itself. The second option – we do all this stuff and count manually. After that, you can place an inscription on the template – for example, the name of the patient, or the diameters of the shafts, or the dimensions of the implants – so as not to guess later. The protocol for the doctor – Drill Report – looks sad, it just indicates what and what size is being placed.


In general, a very worthy product for creating surgical templates. For free it can even be used for visual planning – and this one has already been given a lot for $ 0! The printing of files costs not much. Cheaper than the DDS-Pro by the way! We are waiting for new interesting projects …

Where buy the program?

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