3Shape is changing dentistry together with dental professionals across the world by developing innovations that provide superior dental care for patients. Our portfolio of 3D scanners and CAD/CAM software solutions for the dental industry includes the multiple award-winning 3Shape TRIOS intraoral scanner, the upcoming 3Shape X1 CBCT scanner, and market leading scanning and design software solutions for dental labs.
3Shape Implant Studio introduction
What is Implant Studio?
3Shape Implant Studio software enables you to create a predictable and consistent workflow for your implant procedures. From prosthetic driven implant planning to designing and producing your surgical guides and screw-retained crown in-house, Implant Studio means a better way to work for you and your team. Combine CBCT scans and intraoral scans in Implant Studio to get full clinical insight of the bone and soft-tissue situation, so you can diagnose and plan implant treatments consistently and predictably. Design and manufacture screw-retained crown based on your implant planning for immediate placement.
5 key selling points:
• Prosthetic driven implant planning enabling a more predictable workflow and better outcomes for patients
• Design cost-efficient customized surgical guides and perform guided surgery every time
• Offer same-day implant dentistry with guided implant and immediately placed screw-retained crown
• With open integrations, you are never limited to a certain workflow or manufacturer
• Strong connection to dental labs with access to all implant restoration types and materials
Which versions of Implant Studio are available?
Implant Studio
The Implant Studio software includes all features in the Implant Planner plus the ability to design custom surgical guides and provisional screw-retained crowns* based on the implant planning. Link to selected 3D printers for in-house production or send-to external partners for production. The Studio version is aimed at dental laboratories, but also at clinics and dentists, who want to be in control of the workflow. Each version is available in different packages that require subscriptions. Please see the 3Shape TRIOS Product Catalog for more information
What is the price range for Implant Studio?
Starting from a recommended end-user price around €1,000 for the Planner version up to €4,500 for the Studio solution when purchased as an add-on to TRIOS and Dental System Premium. Yearly subscription fees start from €150 up to €400. Please contact your reseller for stand-alone pricing.
Is Implant Studio available in my country?
Argentina Columbia Iran Morocco Saudi Arabia UAE
Australia Costa Rica Israel New Zealand South Korea Uruguay
Brazil Egypt Jordan Paraguay Sri Lanka USA
Bolivia Europe + EFTA Kuwait Philippines Taiwan Venezuela
Canada Hong Kong Lebanon Singapore Thailand Vietnam
Chile India Mexico South Africa Turkey
*Specific versions apply. Screw-retained crowns are not available in all areas. Please contact your reseller for the current status and list.
Yes, Implant Studio supports the dual scan protocol.
Yes, Implant Studio 2019 now offers design of screw-retained crowns in the same workflow after implant planning and guide design. Meaning that you can design the restoration based on the implant position that you plan for. This is not offered with any other products in the market.
No, not currently.
Yes, Implant Studio has full integration with 3Shape Dental System for the design of customized abutments, provisionals and final crowns/bridges as well as implant bars.
Implant systems
Which implant systems are available in Implant Studio?
More than 90 different systems including Straumann, Nobel, Dentsply, Zimmer Biomet, BioHorizons and Camlog. Further on, 3rd party sleeve manufacturers like Steco, NT-trading and ROE Dental are available. Please see the document Implant and sleeve libraries for 3Shape Implant Studio for more information.
What Ti-bases are available for screw-retained crowns in Implant Studio?
Implant Studio 2019 will be launched with Ti-base libraries that have been verified by 3Shape. Currently available for the top implant manufacturers, but more will become available in the future. It will also be possible for users to import other libraries.
Where can I find detailed drill instructions?
You can find detailed drill instructions in the final approval step and in your output folder. It will be generated automatically, when you save an order and generate STL output. Please note that the detailed drill instructions are currently only available for certain manufacturers – please see the document Implant and sleeve libraries for 3Shape Implant Studio for more information. More manufacturers are added continuously.
Do you include original drill instructions in Implant Studio?
Yes, currently Bego, Biomet, BioHorizons and Straumann original drill instructions are included in the drill protocols – more will be added over time.
Where can I get sleeves/anchor pins?
Please see the document “Implant and sleeve libraries in Implant Studio” (Steco, NT-trading and more). Anchor pins are found in the implant libraries for those companies that produce anchor pins, e.g. BioHorizons, Glidewell, Nobel Biocare, Avinent. To purchase these items, please contact the manufacturers or your reseller.
In-house production
Can I do in-house production of surgical guides as well as of screw-retained crowns?
Yes, in Implant Studio 2019 we offer a full in-house production of surgical guides and screw-retained crowns in the same workflow. You can design and print surgical guides in-house with any Implant Studio version. We offer direct integration and optimized settings for many 3D printers. In Implant Studio 2019, you can also get an open output of a screw-retained crown for your in-house manufacturing by either printing or milling.
Which 3D printers are available in Implant Studio for in-house production of the surgical guide?
Formlabs Form2 printer is initially available with full integration, meaning you can click Produce from inside Implant Studio (since version 2017-2), which will send the case and start the printer software automatically. More printers with direct integration will be added over time.
Many more printers are included with optimized settings from the 3D printer manufacturer, meaning you can choose them in Implant Studio, export the case and when importing the case to the printer software, you will not have to change the guide settings before printing.
How can I install a printer?
Please check the step-by-step installation guides available from within the application under More > Settings > CAM > General (available since Implant Studio 2017-2).
How do I produce the screw-retained crown I have designed in Implant Studio 2019?
The screw-retained crown file will be outputted at the Save step in STL format and stored in the same output folder, where the surgical guide is for production in your preferred printing or milling machine.
Edentulous case
What types of scans do I import for an edentulous case?
As Implant Studio uses the dual CT-scan protocol, you should import 2 (CB)CT scans. For more details, please see the Implant Studio User Manual
How do I prepare the data for an edentulous case?
See our recommendations in the document “How to successfully apply the dual CT-scan protocol” or check out our videos and webinars on YouTube.
Can I use a surface scan for planning an edentulous case?
No, Implant Studio uses the dual CT-scan protocol, so you should import 2 (CB)CT scans when using this workflow. One CT-scan should be of an existing denture/appliance and the other CT-scan should be of the patient wearing the denture.
Does the shape of the radiopaque markers matter?
Yes, we recommend using sphere markers.
Can I continue the design of prosthetics in Dental System for an edentulous case?
Yes, this is possible by exporting the gingiva scan with the implant information and importing this scan intoDental System. See how to do this in the video 3Shape Implant Studio – Prosthetics Design for Edentulous Cases.